Thursday, April 2, 2020

Don't let your ego grow fear in your thoughts! This will make your odds of getting a virus or bacterial infection of any kind much greater! The ego idolizes FEAR and egomaniacs around the world spew fear for control!

If you're a new Enthoozeeist or you're still trying to figure Enthoozee out, I will help.

EGO is bad...Awareness is good!

Egomaniacs are associated with a lot of DRAMA, they're toxic which means they have a low
vibrational frequency. They're susceptible to the common cold and types of flu more regularly than others, basically they get their fair share of illnesses. They're also always turning mole hills into mountains. They make nothing into something. These are tactics by their ego so it can eat and survive. These mind made fallacies create large amounts of STRESS and ANXIETY which produces TOXICITY! (Egomaniacs are their own worst enemy!) Egomaniacs have a low vibrational frequency. They're always emotionally run down, their thoughts are constantly working overtime and this creates mental exhaustion.

Egomaniacs don't have control of their thoughts. When emotional trauma shows up for whatever reason, this will lower their vibrational frequency and easier for a cold / flu to attack their cells. We've all seen this happen. When a mind has stress from a cheating spouse, loss of a job or a death in the family, these examples lower your vibrational frequency. You’re STRESSED OUT!! This breaks down your vibrational frequency aka immune system. Egomaniacs also survive in the past or can't wait for a better future. They're not living, they're just existing. Ego needs time, it can't survive in the moment.

A healthy human mind that's quiet LIVES in the moment, and has little to no ego. They have a high vibrational frequency ABOVE the vibration of any diseases. These people rarely if ever get sick. Their immune system is strong and resilient to disease.

Meditation and healthy mind practices like AWARENESS, and Living in the moment... delete or dissolve ego... Which RAISES your Vibrational Frequency!!