Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are you superior or inferior if you obtain enlightenment/spiritual person?

The "words" enlightening/spiritual mainly are suggesting your state of being. If we use the words enlightening or spiritual and not any context of religious beliefs attached to them, these words would be a nice feeling to obtain...

However: Enthoozee (who you are) doesn't have to obtain a "state of being." You can't become something that you already are. However you can become something that you "think" you are. 

Enthoozee (you) came into the world as a "being" and will go out as a "being," everything in between received the label of human (in other words the ability to think) or another word (Mego).

Enthoozee knows every human being is virtually identical down to the last Quark and Gluon (sub atomic particles that consist of an atom) these particles comprise the anatomy of the body. The shell of the body that gives the falseness that we're all different is the illusion of the Mego. The Mego and the shell will eventually die however the energy that you are will once again join the universal life energy of all that is.

Enlightenment is an unobtainable state, however control of your thoughts and the power that they can have over you is possible. An enlightened person will not say that they are enlightened because they know that it's not possible. Only a Mego that "thinks" they are enlightened is what the Mego wants others to believe. A "self" proclaimed spiritual person is not spiritual rather a Mego that "thinks" that they are spiritual. 

When you're Enthoozee you don't have labels attached to who you are: you're okay with whatever is and other peoples judgment or the opinion they may have of you being enlightened or spiritual, is what their Mego is trying to obtain, or of what their Mego is fearful of someone else obtaining...

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