Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We are one people, we are not better or worse than another. From the enormity of the cosmos to the un-seeable sub atomic particles. The human species is life.

The secret to life is not always trying to find the answers or the relentless search for peace and joy. The ego (Mego) to survive needs a beginning and an end, it needs birth and death, and it needs past and future. The Mego needs division! Who you are is energy; the energy that you are was never born so it can never die. Life is who you are and meant to be lived. 

The optimistic person would say you're very fortunate if you live to a ripe ole age of 80-100. (The part of you that has age is your body, your form, not your energy). If you're suffering would that be fortunate? Suffering can come from any situation you're experiencing from the filthy rich to the famine in Africa. The Mego is lost in its own suffering, its own little me world. The reason is for the "need" for answers. The constant streaming of thoughts, of why me, the greed for more for me...me, me, me. 

Answers don't come from the thousands of religions, from governments, from hierarchies or from scientists; the mental pollution they've been spewing is suffocating us. Answers don't derive from them, they come from within, who you truly are. 

Scientists say they're close to "answering" the so-called big bang theory, why exactly would that be important to us rather than to know the answer. Eighty years of life is such an unbelievably small percentage since the so-called big bang, why and how is that relevant to now? 

Religions want you to bury your head in the sand and believe in so much falseness so you will continue to support their agendas. 

Lastly governments and their self-enhancing controlling ways is sucking the freedoms from every human being on this planet. 

When you can get out of your own way, dropping all the propaganda spread by institutions around the world, listen to your gut, and listen to the instinct with in you. Instinct and gut feeling don't come from thought; they're the knowing of truth. The knowing that you are Enthoozee. 

So the secret to life is to eliminate the false and the truth will surround you. Life is now; this moment, there is no time rather only the present. There is no beginning and there is no end, there is no birth and so to there is no death, thus true there is no past and so there is no future, only this moment. 

When you can eliminate your being from the baggage of your past and the hopes for a better future, you will have eliminated your Mego and the peace and joy that all humans want will thrive throughout humanity.

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